Last night, on the CBS Evening News, Steve Hartman told the touching and inspiring story of 11-year-old Olivia Bouler who decided to paint watercolors of birds as a way to raise money to support animal relief efforts on the Gulf Coast. Amazingly, she has raised $100,000 in donations from the paintings through an internet site. She is donating the money to the Audubon Society which plans to use it for animal rescue and to establish a new bird habitat in the Gulf. It’s a great story and Hartman, as usual, tells it beautifully. Olivia’s website can be found here.
“CBS Evening News” segment on 11-year-old Olivia Bouler
1 response so far ↓
1 sanitizer // Jun 16, 2010 at 5:50 am
The world needs more people like OB; and less of BP’s ilk.
To anybody who is heartened by her efforts – try to drive less – it’s the only way we’re going to improve things.
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