During 2010’s National Preparedness Month (NPM) this September, the Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) will be asking Americans to accept their responsibilities as part of the country’s emergency preparedness and response effort. It echoes a major theme of FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate’s tenure which marks its first anniversary today.
FEMA’s Ready Campaign held a NPM kickoff webinar yesterday with a record 779 participants. Ready’s Becky Marquis said that NPM’s messaging and activities will focus on getting Americans “to recognize their role as part of the nation’s emergency management team” and encourage them to get prepared and involved.
This is the 7th annual NPM, which is sponsored by the Ready Campaign in partnership with Citizen Corps and the Ad Council. The NPM was ”designed to encourage Americans to take simple steps to prepare for emergencies in their homes, businesses, and communities.” This year’s slogan is: “Plan Now, Work Together, Get Ready”.
During the webinar, Citizen Corps Director Karen Marsh reviewed findings of its comprehensive public survey, “Personal Preparedness in America: Findings from the Citizen Corps National Survey,” which reported shortcomings in public readiness, but also found an interest among many Americans in becoming prepared and getting involved. Those results feed right into the theme of the Month: Administrator Fugate has said that the emergency management community has to do a better job of capitalizing on that public interest, but he has also been challenging the public to step up and accept their responsibilities for improving the preparedness of their family and their community.
For more information on National Preparedness Month 2010, check the Ready.Gov site here. A transcript of the webinar is here. A toolkit to help organize NPM events is here. To register as a NPM Coalition Member, click here (I just did.) You can also follow the @ReadydotGov Twitter feed. If you have questions about the Month, e-mail the Ready Campaign at: npm@dhs.gov.
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