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In Case Of Emergency, Read Blog

A Citizen’s Eye View of Public Preparedness

For Current Effort To Increase Citizen Role In Homeland Security & Nation’s Resilience, 2003 “Civil Security” Report Offers Useful Guidance

October 4th, 2009 · 1 Comment

After I posted DHS’s 2006 “Civil Defense And Homeland Security” report last month, Bill Cumming reminded me about another study, Amanda Dory’s “Civil Security: Americans And The Challenge Of Homeland Security,” published by the Center For Strategic & International Studies (CSIS).

I read Dory’s terrific report when it was released in 2003. And, six years later, as the Obama Administration develops plans to bolster public engagement and resilience, ”Civil Security” is still very useful. The CSIS web site provides this overview:

During the Cold War, a comprehensive program of civil defense was designed to address Americans’ survival concerns in relation to the threat of a massive Soviet nuclear attack. Today we need a new concept — “civil security” — that recalls the nation’s experience with civil defense and updates it, addressing and enhancing the ability of Americans to recognize danger, limit damage, and recover from terrorist attacks. In so doing, we should learn from the nation’s experiences, both positive and negative, with Cold War civil defense, as well as the many related aspects of coping with natural disasters and public health emergencies.

Author Amanda Dory proposes a framework that links four key components needed to increase Americans’ resilience before and during a terrorist attack — risk education, preparedness, warning, and protective actions. She devotes a chapter to each of these components and concludes with policy recommendations that bring more coherence to disparate post-September 11 activities and initiatives as well as increased attention to the important role the American public can and should play in homeland security.

The first 20 of the report’s 97 pages are available for free here. Or “Civil Security” in its entirety can be purchased here.

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Tags: Preparedness Ideas · Preparedness Reports

1 response so far ↓

  • 1 William R. Cumming // Oct 8, 2009 at 6:30 am

    Thanks for this post. The 2006 DHS report was prepared by a contractor for the shortlived independent from FEMA Preparedness Directorate led by George Foresman (Directorate in existence from October 2005 to March 31, 2007)! I mention that report because while a contribution much erroneus info just a two recent books on the federal civil defense program that existed from 1951-1994) also contain some useful material and some misinformation. These authors were Charles Perrow and Dee Garrison, both emeritus academics grinding axes that reach the same conclusion. That the civil defense program for its entire life was conducted in bad faith by the federal government. I respectfully disagree, even though never lawyered or adminstered the civil defense program while in FEMA. Neither book cites any of the Presidential Directives on Civil Defense the last one being NSDD-66 published in 1993. That program was not conducted in bad faith as I hope I made clear and documented when participating in the Civil Security study and report. The Soviet Unions atomic and nuclear weapons were and still under its successors a threat to US!

    Thanks again for the post. If any readers would like a copy of my short paper on the civil defense legacy contact me at and I believe I sent a copy to this blog owner.

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